Choice Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:

Eleesha ˜ @eleesha ˜Soul Inspiration Affirmations & Quotes on Choice

1) A Choice In Your Destiny

“I am driven in life to always
make the right choices in my
life. For with each choice that I
make, I am defining the course
and destiny of how my life
– will be lived.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 07-10-2008

2) Always Making The Right Choices

“My choices will always be
the right ones, if I am always
willing to take into consideration
that I am, and all that I wish
to be – by each choice that
I make.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 07-10-2008

3) Choices I am Yet To Make

“Let me not have a hand in the
downfall of all I was meant to be
and meant to achieve in my life, by
always making the wrong choices.
From this day forth, let me be guided
from within about all the choices
– I am yet to make.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 07-10-2008

4) Responsible For My Choices

“By making choices, I realize I
become wholly responsible for all
that is taking place in my life and all
that I am willing to become – by the
choices I am responsible for
~ Eleesha

~ written on 07-10-2008

5) Right Choices I Am Willing To Make

“Let my life be defined not by
the wrong choices that I make
but by the right ones. So that all
that I will eventually do, will be
reflective of all the right choices
– I am willing to make.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 07-10-2008

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