Clarity Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:

Eleesha ˜ @eleesha ˜Soul Inspiration Affirmations & Quotes on Clarity

1) Clarity To Achieve

“Let all thoughts that I
have be clear ones, so that
I will be given the opportunity
to clearly achieve – all that
I set out to do.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 08-11-2008

2) Taken Forward With Clarity

“Let me be taken away from all that
I am experiencing right now. The
hurt; the pain; the lack of finances;
and more. For it is through clarity
of heart and mind that I find my way
forward, to rise above all these
challenges – in a clear and concise
~ Eleesha

~ written on 08-11-2008

3) Clarity To Find Resolutions

“All things that may right now
appear so duanting can dwindle
away, by the clarity at which I
am able to truly view them and
find a clear path – towards their
resolution.” ~

~ written on 08-11-2008

4) Taken With Clarity

“Let me be taken to all places that
I wish to go, with the clarity that I
need – to get there.”~

~ written on 08-11-2008

5) Clarity About What To Do Next

“It is only with clarity of mind
that I am given clear guidance
– about what it is that I need
to do next.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 08-11-2008

6) Clarity Essential To Your Success

“Let me walk forward not backwards,
with the clarity of mind that is
essential to my success – and the
fulfillment of all that I am.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 08-11-2008

7) Clarity To Move Forward In Life

“It is with clarity that I go
forward in life towards all
things – I have the clarity to
think of achieving.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 08-11-2008

8) Clarity To Be Created

“I understand that it is only with
clarity of mind that all that I
wish for – will have the clarity to
be created.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 08-11-2008

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