Decisiveness Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:

Eleesha ˜ @eleesha ˜Soul Inspiration Affirmations & Quotes on Decisiveness

1) Decisive about your Achievements

“I am weary of the indecisiveness
that has brought me to this place
of lack and limitation. Let me
immediately embrace all that
I want in life, and from this day
forth – be decisive about
achieving it.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 14-06-2008

2) Making Swift Decisions

“Let me draw upon my inner
strength and power. towards
all that I need to decide upon.
Let me, at all times, act in a
manner that is not only swift
– but decisive too.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 14-06-2008

3) Decisive When Given Options

“I am lost in life about where I should
be headed, and the means to get there.
For whenever I am confronted with
options, I am indecisive. Let me place
trust upon the soul within and accept
the guidance that I am offered, to
make decisions that do not just
serve me – but others too.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 15-07-2008

4) Decisive About All Things

“I am awoken to the thought
that today, I must be decisive
on all things – that require a
decision from me.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 15-07-2008

5) Consequences of Indecision

“If I am to remain indecisive in
life, then I fall foul of rising
to attain my goals. They become
elusive to me, through the
indecisiveness that I continue
– to maintain.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 14-06-2008

6) Decisions About What To Do

“From within, I banish all
thoughts of indecision because
I listen to my inner voice, which
not only guides me – but helps
me decide – exactly what I need
to do.
~ Eleesha

~ written on 15-06-2008

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