Anxiety Quotes and Affirmations

Anxiety Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:

1) No Longer Gripped By Anxiety

“Let me not be anxious this
day, because in the grip of my
anxiety, all that I wish to achieve
– is made elusive to me.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

2) Why Would I Embrace Anxiety?

“I am embraced with so much
opportunity – why would
I allow myself to embrace
anxiety as well?”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

3) Supporting Success, Not Failure Or Anxiety

“Let me never be willing
to support anything in my
life that makes me anxious
or fearful. For my focus
must remain solely on my
success – rather than my
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

4) Anxiety, Unable To Impose Its Will Upon Me

“I am fulfilled in the joy and
splendor of each day where
my anxiety has no power
to impose its will upon me
– any longer.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

5) Anxiety, A Saboteur Of Life’s Opportunities

“Through anxiety, I come
to sabotage all of life’s
opportunities – rather than
embrace them.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

6) No Longer Destined For Anxiety

“Let this anxiety that envelopes
me on this day, be uplifted. So
I am free to walk towards my
destiny – as I should.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

7) Embracing Enthusiasm, Not Anxiety

“In what this day is willing
to bring me, let me be willing
to embrace, not anxiously – but
with all the enthusiasm each
day deserves.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 01-09-2009

Eleesha / administrator

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Comments (12)

  1. This is a sound post about anxiety quotes affirmations. Gladly completed to read everything of here and willing to read more from you. Truly these quotes helps me a lot for getting inspiration for avoiding anxiety. Thanks dude
    depression NYC

    15/01/2013 at 9:08 am
    1. Andy, Thank you my dear friend, for letting me know this! It’s always a joy and honor to hear such wonderful words of appreciation & support! ~ Big Hugs 2U! ƸӜƷ

      23/01/2013 at 6:55 pm
  2. I love these. Anxiety doesn't need to ruin people's lives!!

    31/03/2013 at 12:27 am
    1. Savanna, thank you for visiting and sharing. Your support is so appreciated ~ Hugs! ✿ܓ

      02/04/2013 at 3:56 am
    • Anxious by nature
    • Reply

    This is so inspiring! I try so hard to keep my anxiety to myself so affirmations that I can use help me so much. Thanks Eleesha.
    There is also a great summary of anxiety disorders if any of you guys want to read up on this. I learnt so much and still learn every day. It helps me somehow. Here's the link What psychologists classify as an anxiety disorder

    14/05/2013 at 11:39 am
    1. Thank you for dropping by and letting me know this. Your support is so appreciated. I am always honored to hear from those who enjoy my work. ~ ✿ܓ ~ Sending Big Hugs Of Love ♥ & Appreciation 2U! ƸӜƷ

      18/05/2013 at 3:33 pm
  3. Wow these are really inspiring quotes thank you so much. My name is Nancy and I've been suffering for a long time, and people like you are the ones that help me get through. I really love the one about focussing on success, that is something that really works for me and really gets me out of the dark holes. You are amazing, keep up the great work… if you want you can check out my fixing anxiety video

    04/03/2014 at 10:13 pm
    1. Thank you Nancy for visiting and letting me know this, it was a joy to receive your comment, and it makes me feel so joyful to know that my words are helping you get through those difficult times & encouraging you to focus on your future success. As always it's my pleasure to be sharing inspiration and your support, #shoutout & feedback are so appreciated. ~ ✿ܓ ~ Sending Big Hugs Of #Love & #Appreciation 2U! ƸӜƷ

      11/03/2014 at 6:06 pm
  4. Wow these are really inspiring quotes thank you so much

    60 Second Panic Solution Review

    15/07/2014 at 1:46 pm
  5. I've been following you for some time, and love this mini series. It rings true and lands like a heart salve on those tough days. 

    Thank you for what you do.



    20/07/2014 at 1:14 am
    1. Kat, thank you for dropping by and letting me know this. Your support is so appreciated. I am always honored to hear from those who enjoy my work. ~ ✿ܓ ~ Sending Big Hugs Of Love ♥ & Appreciation 2U! ƸӜƷ

      21/07/2014 at 6:18 pm

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