Humility Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Humility Reminding Me Of Who I am
“When I am humble, I am
reminded about who I am. For
it is only from this place, that
I am able to see myself with
true clarity – as I am.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 28-05-2008
2) Benefits of Humility
“By spending the greater
part of my life in arrogance,
I have failed to benefit from
the important experiences that
could only be found – through
humility.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 28-05-2008
3) A Unique Sense of Understanding With Humility
“With humility in my heart,
I am able to seamlessly blend
in with all others. For it brings with
it, a unique sense of understanding
to all things and all people
– that I encounter.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 29-05-2008
4) Exposing All That We Are Through Humility
“The experience of humility is a good
one, as it supercedes all others – in
the sense that – we find it very difficult
to succumb to. Yet, it is one act that
requires the most courage out of us.
For it lays to waste all that we thought
we were, and exposes all that we
– actually are.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 30-05-2008
5) Humility Essential To Your Learning
“If I am unable to share in,
or part-take in the the act of
humility then I become consumed
with my own pride, and destroyed
by my own arrogance. Both of
whom lay to waste some extremely
valuable life experiences that are
essential – to my learning and
growth.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 28-05-2008