Persistence Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Persistence Pays Off
“Let me remain being persistent.
For unlike others, who decide to
give up, I never do. Because I
have come to realize that my
persistence – always pays off.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 17-07-2008
2) Summon Your Persistence
“Persistence is not invited to
enter into any situation or
circumstance. It is rather you
who must summon it, in the
achievement – of all your goals.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 17-07-2008
3) Secret Weapon Of Persistence
“Help me to find from within,
just what it takes to never
give up. In pursuit of all my
goals, help me to summon, from
within my soul, the secret
weapon of persistence. That
when utilized – others find
hard to resist” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 17-07-2008
4) In The Company Of Persistence
“I allow my persistence to
accompany me wherever I go.
For I know that within its
company – I can never fail.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 18-07-2008
5) Walking The Path Of Persist ant.
“Let me rise today, in the confidence
of knowing that I can walk any path that
I choose to. For regardless of what
lays in wait, I will be persist ant.
enough to eliminate and move on
rapidly – towards my destiny.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 18-07-2008