Wealth & Abundance Quotes and Affirmations

Wealth & Abundance Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:

Eleesha ˜ @eleesha ˜Soul Inspiration Affirmations & Quotes on Wealth & Abundance

1) In The Company Of Wealth & Abundance

“I must be prepared to live
my life abundantly if I am
awaiting abundance. For it
is in the expectancy of what
I want – that I am able to
receive – all that I want.”
~ Eleesha

~ written on 20-02-2008

2) Embracing Wealth & Abundance

“Let me achieve all that I
want to. For it is with this
perfect self expression, I
find it within myself, to
comfortably embrace all the
wealth and abundance
– that I deserve.” 

~ written on 20-02-2008

3) Receiving Wealth & Abundance

“With the realization of success,
I must accept and embrace the
inevitable. That I will become a
companion of wealth, and a true
friend of abundance – for both are
most deserving of my company.”

~ written on 20-02-2008

4) No Doubt Wealth & Abundance Is On Its Way

“I can no longer entertain my
self-doubt or my unworthiness
to receive that which others
– already have. From now on,
I have no doubt that my life
is abundant, and my wealth
– is already on its way.”

~ written on 20-02-2008

5) Learning From Wealth & Abundance

“It is with wealth and abundance
that I can still go forward, with
just as much to learn about myself
and others – as I would have
without it.” 

~ written on 20-02-2008

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Eleesha / administrator

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Comments (4)

  1. Affirmations is the absolute best way to visualise your future success and bring greater wealth into your life! For best results, try to spend at least half an hour a day listening to positive audios to supercharge your progress!

    22/05/2013 at 7:17 pm
    1. I totally agree with you Zach & brilliant advice you have shared on my blog, thanks & Big hugs for your lovely support! Have a beautiful & bountiful day, ✿ܓ

      04/12/2013 at 2:26 pm
  2. I have learned that there is NEVER a good time to talk negatively.

    04/12/2013 at 1:53 pm
    1. That's a brilliant way to view life Julia & an amazing suggestion to help keep all the negativity out of one's life. Many thanks for taking the time to stop by & share this with everyone. ~ Sending Big Hugs Of Love ♥ & Appreciation 2U! ƸӜƷ

      04/12/2013 at 2:29 pm

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