Caring Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Caring Manner
“It is with care, that I conduct
all matters of importance and
oversee my affairs. For in caring,
I ensure that all that I do is
is created – in a caring manner.
~ Eleesha
~ written on 12-05-2008
2) Caring for Others
“It is in caring about others,
in every possible way, that I
discover that others – also find
the capacity, to care about me.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 12-05-2008
3) Caring & Giving of Yourself
“In a manner that requires very
little words. I become a carer,
towards all things. For it is
through caring, that I am able
to discover how to give of
myself; in the expectation of
never requiring anything back
– in return.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 12-05-2008
4) Caring & Nurturing
“It is through caring, that much
of what or who I care for; is given
the nurturing and nourishment
– that is needed to grow.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 12-05-2008
5) Caring a Revealing Expression
“In all things, I embrace the
act of caring, towards all those
that deserve my care. For it is
through the expression and act
of caring – so many of my greatest
lessons in life – are revealed.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 12-05-2008