Encouragement Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Whispered Words of Encouragement
“Let me awaken to the voice of
encouragement, which resides deep
within my Soul. And within its whispers,
let me remain encouraged in all
things – that I do.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-08-2008
2) All Forms of Encouragement
“I am open to all forms of
encouragement. For with it,
I find the courage to continue
in life, where I may have
otherwise – failed.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-08-2008
3) Open to Encouragement
“I am open to encouragement,
because I have come to accept
that through it, my life
becomes far more meaningful
– than without it.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-08-2008
4) Words of Encouragement
“Let the dawning of my courage
be revealed, through each word
of encouragement – that I receive.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-08-2008
5) Encouragement strengthened through Courage
“What is borne out of the encouragement
I receive, is a deep sense of courage.
Which allows me to remain strong, when
I would otherwise – be weak.“ ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-08-2008
6) Encouraging Others
“Let me encourage all those
that need my encouragement.
And let me be willing to offer my
courage to them. So they will become
just as willing and able to face all
challenges – like I do.“ ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-08-2008