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Creation Quotes and Affirmations

Creation Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You: 1) Creating My Own Solutions “In the face of adversity, I am never fearful. For I understand that my ability…

Think & Create

Think and Create ~ Inspiration Quote & Affirmation? [70]

Today’s Inspirational Quote, Affirmation, Insight & Reflection: ✿ܓ ❤  “If We Are Able To Think It, Then We Are Able To Create It” ~ Eleesha ~ ❤ http://bit.ly/NfM8x ❤

Thought & Creation

Thought & Creation ~ Inspiration Quote & Affirmation? [63]

Today’s Inspirational Quote, Affirmation, Insight & Reflection: ✿ܓ ❤  “In the Bountifulness Of Our Thoughts, Lies All That We Can Create.” ~ Eleesha ~ ❤ http://bit.ly/RW5Cf ❤

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