Are You the Only Person You Can Really Trust? [3]

“The greatest trust I require
of myself – is that of self-trust.”
by Eleesha,
Author of –
The Soul Whisperer

Listen to the Audio Version below:


It is a strange thing in life, but as people, we tend to put a lot more trust in others than we do in ourselves. I am sure we have all been guilty of this at some point in our lives, but why we are guilty of this seems to be a harder question to answer.

Perhaps trust is a quality that, as children, we sought in our parents rather than ourselves, so as adults it seemed more natural to look for trust in others rather than in ourselves.

Whatever our reasons, there will come a time when we will need to rely on ourselves and our own “self-trust.” It may take some time to shift your mindset about trust from others to yourself, but eventually, there will come a time when you will have to face this challenge.

For Your Mornings:

l want you to think about whether or not you have ever trusted yourself. If so, what were you able to achieve in your life when you fully trusted yourself? If not, ask yourself why it is that you do not feel worthy enough to trust yourself. Think about these two options throughout your day, and by the end of your day try to come up with some answers to them.

For Your Evenings:

Were you able to answer at least one of those two questions which were applicable to you? If you have never been able to trust in yourself were you able to touch upon what it was that sparked off your lack of “self-trust?” If so, then perhaps you are already on the way to regaining your self-trust. If not, then this is a good time to start thinking back to when you felt unable to trust yourself.

If, however, you have been one of the fortunate few who has always been able to rely on your “self-trust” then think about what that has meant to you and how “trusting in yourself” has reflected upon your life and the person that you are.

I will leave this inspirational thought with you this week, in the hope that if you have never thought about “self-trust” before, then you need to. For it is important that you find it within yourself to trust yourself first, before placing your trust in others. If you have used your “self-trust” already, I think you will accept that it has probably never let you down and if you can find it within yourself to rely upon it more and more it will help guide you along life’s path far more easily with it, than without it.

To your Inspiration and Success!


“Sharing the Unknown & Untold Powerful Secrets Of The Soul

Is Your Life An Obstacle Course Of Learning? [1]

“Life’s journey is never
wasted.  It is always filled with
unexpected twists and turns. It is
an obstacle course of learning from
which is borne the knowledge
to live our lives.”
by Eleesha,
Author of – The Soul Whisperer

Listen to the audio version below:


Regardless of who we are, we will all face the unexpected “twists and turns” that life will inevitably hand out. No one seems to escape this mystery and we will all eventually be dealt our own deck of cards. So what is all this? The good, the bad and why is it that we all experience one or the other or both at varying degrees throughout our lifetimes?

In my humble opinion, I often refer to this mystery as an ”obstacle course of learning”, living life to me is learning and it is a journey of learning which we must all be willing to undertake. For it seems that from both these experiences (good and bad) we always learn something either about ourselves or about someone else. This knowledge, which is borne out of experiencing both good and bad, becomes the ”knowledge to live our life” that is special and unique only to us, therefore it is our true ”life’s learning.”

For Your Mornings:

l want you to think about a specific event, good or bad, that you know, has changed your life. Perhaps it made you become the person who you are right now. Think about who, what or where you would have been today – if that event had never happened or occurred in your life.

For Your Evenings:

Use the quiet of the evening to reflect upon that life-changing event that you thought about earlier in the day. I want you to look upon it as one of the greatest ”learning experiences” that you know you needed to experience in your life and to accept it as just that. Don’t moan, groan or gloat about the event itself, but rather reflect upon what you have become or learned as a result of it.

Perhaps you will now be able to look upon It as an ”experience of learning” from which, you have now been able to grow and develop into who you are. Think about what it has taught you, about yourself and about others. Did this learning experience, equips you in a unique way that has made you more knowledgeable about how to live your life?

As your day comes to a close, I want you to cherish the knowledge and understanding that you now hold, as a result of what you went through. This is knowledge, only known to you and no one can take it away, it is, therefore, your ”knowledge to live your life” allowing you to journey forward in life, as you should.

I will leave this inspirational thought with you, in the hope that you will understand that everything you have experienced, both good and bad, in your life thus far, has not been ”wasted” – it has all been for you. Each experience was what was required of you, to assist you in learning more about yourself and others. May you embrace the days that lie ahead as a continual part of adding to this knowledge so you may journey onwards in life, far better equipped with this knowledge, than you could without it.

To your Inspiration and Success and have a wonderful week!


“Sharing the Unknown & Untold Powerful Secrets Of The Soul

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