“In all things that I put my mind to,
I am willing and I am able to achieve.
For, herein lies the creation of all
that I am – responsible for.”
by Eleesha,
Author of –
The Soul Whisperer

Listen to the Audio Version below:


Why is it that some people are able to achieve so much in their lives, whilst others find that they achieve very little. If we strip away all the external factors that may account for what we perceive to be the fortune of one and the misfortune of another; then the difference between the achiever and non-achiever is their ability to apply their mind to that which they wish to achieve.

Here are my suggestions for this week’s affirmation

For Your Mornings:

Think about what achievements or failures you have made in your life. Think back to the time when you first made the decision to go for something important. Where did you find the enthusiasm, commitment and willingness to achieve it? How did you finally achieve it? If you did not achieve it, what went wrong? Consider whether or not you have ever failed at anything that you wholeheartedly put your mind to?

For Your Evenings:

Now that you have had the time to consider your achievements and/or your failures, what lessons were you able to learn from each or both? Did you notice a common pattern – whatever you genuinely set your mind to you invariably ended up achieving?

I will leave this thought with you this week, so that you may come to learn more about yourself and the part that you have had to play in both the achievements and failures that have been a part of your life. Be mindful of the fact that in all that you set your mind out to achieve – it will be achieved. For it is here that the creation of all that you are responsible for lies.

To your Inspiration and Success, have a wonderful week!


“Sharing the Unknown & Untold Powerful Secrets Of The Soul