“The wealth and the abundance
that I seek, already awaits me
– I have just forgotten that it
is mine to collect.”
This is a good thing because, in the arena of life where wealth and abundance are readily available, all that you want will not just be bountifully created – but abundantly supplied and in equal measure to all that you are seeking.
The only difference between what you have and what you wish to attain – is just your willingness to invite; partake in; collect; or receive – what is rightfully yours. In truth, all that you have right now is already reflective of just how little; or how much; you have been willing to do this.
Remember, there are no limitations to the availability of wealth & abundance; except the limitations, which you may wittingly, or unwittingly, apply to yourself or your life.
May you be inspired with this thought; even if you have failed, thus far, to partake of the wealth and abundance, which is truly available to you.
Today, may you be willing to not just believe in abundance, and its availability – but to also be willing to go out and collect, all that is rightfully yours and lays waiting, to be collected.