“I am at a crossroads in my life
and uncertain of where and how I
should proceed. Allow this day, to bring
forth all the solutions I need, so that
they cannot just be found – but
understood by me as well.”
There will always come a time in our lives when we will come to a crossroads. At this point, we will become uncertain about how we should proceed, or in which direction, we will need to go.
The fact is whichever direction you choose to take – will always be the right one. For either one will give you the opportunity, to experience whatever you were meant to experience in your life.
Each direction taken will, by choice, bring forth the solutions or answers that you will need to find – to move you forward in your life.
Today, may you be given the opportunity to always make, what you perceive to be, the right choice; to move you in the right direction; and to help you find the right solutions to all that you need to find.
But more importantly, when finding your solutions may they not just become known to you – but come to be understood by you as well – so that you may act upon them swiftly, and without further delay.