“Gratitude, given or received,
is able to summon and replenish
what is needed in our lives.”
As individuals, we are all granted both the means and opportunity throughout our lives, to express our gratitude for whatever, to whomever, or whenever – we choose.
In its purest form gratitude, whether given or received, has the amazing capability to both graciously summon and replenish those things, which we continue to express our gratitude for.
Remember, in the full expression of your gratitude all that is required can so easily be summoned, and all that is depleted can so easily be replenished.
Today, may you continue to walk in the companionship of your gratitude – where your ability to give, receive, and freely express your gratitude – enables you to both summon and replenish – all that is required or missing in your life.
Such is the summoning power, yet replenishing nature of your gratitude that, in its companionship, you are not just able to become fulfilled by its expression, but you are always able to move graciously forward in your life – a lot faster than most.