“In acknowledgment
of what we have, we find
the capability to create
what we truly want.”
What is important about life – whether you reflect upon yourself; your past failures; or even your successes – is not how everything will come to be judged by you; but rather how it will come to be acknowledged by you.
Such is the non-judgmental nature of your acknowledgment that through it, you can no longer feel dissatisfied or become hindered in your life, about what you do not have. You are just free to build upon what you have – so you can begin to create, whatever you want.
Remember, in the acknowledgment of all that you have, you will always find within yourself, the capability to not just appreciate what you want – but to also go out and create it.
For it is through your acknowledgment – not your judgment – that you will remain intuitively guided; supported, and strengthened from within – to find an appreciation of what is truly wanted in your life – plus the means to also create it.
Today, may you transcend any feelings of dissatisfaction; mediocrity; or regret; that you may feel about what you have, and replace them with your acknowledgment.
So you can move forward in your life with new insight; to not just begin to define new horizons about what you want for yourself – but to discover the means and capability to strive towards them, and ultimately create, what you want.