“With each thought of
success and abundance
– we create the success
and abundance
we seek.”
The availability of success and abundance is infinite, and so is the means or the manner at which they may come to be attained. Yet, despite such boundless availability, both may appear to be so elusive we will often doubt the validity of their true existence in our lives.
In truth, neither success nor abundance is able to become elusive to you, it is rather you who chooses to become elusive to them. Remember, whenever you choose to align yourself with the disbelief of what you want, rather than the belief, you will always become elusive to it.
Always purposely apply your beliefs in either thought, word, or deed, toward all that you seek. So, you can no longer remain elusive to what you want and what you want, can no longer appear to be elusive to you.
Today, let your inner trust and belief toward all you wish to attain, continue to be expressed by thought, word, and deed. So, you may automatically begin to create, not just the success and abundance that you seek, but all that you truly want and deserve to have in your life.