“All challenges,
great or small, empower
us to become all – we
are destined, to be.”
For all challenging experiences, great or small, teach us many of life’s essential lessons, and help us to grow; blossom; and evolve; into all that, we were meant to be.
Every challenge that you will be duty bound to face, will always be reflective of those unique and essential lessons in life – that you are duty bound to learn.
Remember your willingness to confront each challenge, will always help you to emerge a winner – rather than a loser. For each subsequent experience will always equip you, in preparation for the next.
Today, may you continue to remain steadfast in your ability to graciously accept the presentation of all things that are likely to confront you in life.
For it is within their gracious acceptance, that you give yourself the opportunity to not just continue to partake of life’s learning; but to allow yourself to naturally grow and evolve – into the person that you were destined to be.