“By using my personal
will and determination,
I know I can create all
– that I am capable of.”

~ by Eleesha,
Author of – The Soul Whisperer


Such is the nature of our being and all that life has to offer that we are afforded the luxury of utilizing our free will and determination, in whichever capacity that we choose, deem, or see fit.

All that we purposely will, and determine in our lives will be of great significance to us. For, it will not just form the basis upon which, our lives will come to be determined or directed – but ultimately defined.

The significance of being gifted free will and determination is not just to merely acknowledge that both exist, but in coming to fully comprehend the magnitude at which they can both be powerfully applied, and purposely utilized – throughout your life.

Remember that, by using your personal will and determination, you can go on to create all that you are capable of. Believing in your own capability will become the key to always ensuring that you are able to fully summon your will, and sustain your determination – throughout all life’s challenges.

By utilizing your will and determination today, may you not just come to appreciate all that you are truly capable of, by enhancing your own life experiences; but to acknowledge that within their embrace – you also become powerful enough – to go on to create all that you want – and more.

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