“Let the days unfolding
be in the companionship
of your joy, rather than
your worry.”
What is it about human nature that makes us worry all the time about trivial and minor things? Some of us are far worse at doing this than others, but we are all guilty of worrying – far more than we actually need to.
I want you to be inspired today to let go of all the trivial and little things you have become accustomed to worrying about. Make today, the day that you choose to forget about your worries.
Save your energy and think only of that which enthralls you. This is what you need to focus on today to re-energize your mind; body; and spirit; throughout the day.
This way, you will allow your day to remain worry-free and give it the opportunity to unfold and be fulfilled in a joyful manner – rather than a fearful one.