“Let this day be a lesson
to me. For in all the decisions
that I make, let me be guided
by my inner voice – as it always
tells me right from wrong.”
There isn’t a day that goes by, which will be exactly the same as the day that has just passed – for every day there are new lessons to be learned by you.
Some days you will be faced with decisions that you will need to make; but the point is that you can never be sure, whether the decisions you are making, will be the right ones or the wrong ones.
In truth, at the time you make your decision there can never be a right or wrong for either decision, will ensure that an important lesson will be learned – once a decision has been made.
Today, if you need to make the right decision, may you choose to be guided intuitively by your inner voice; for it will always tell you – what is right from wrong.