“It is through asking
that the possibilities for
receiving, unfold.”
Not all of us will be in the habit of asking for those things that we want; wish to attain; or require; in our lives. But those of us who do, by our spoken words, will automatically begin to receive, by invitation – all that we become willing of asking for.
In truth, your inability to ask, or affirm those things that you want in your life, will leave you with very few opportunities and limited possibilities of actually creating them.
Today, may you be bold, from within, to willingly ask for and affirm those things that you truly wish for or require in your life, whenever the opportunity arises – so they may come to manifest in your life, just as you intended.
Remember that the ability to ask, via your silent; softly; or spoken words, will always validate your wants and needs; so they will be given a far greater possibility of not just being naturally created – but also received, into your life.