“In all things let me be
lead swiftly and easily
toward that – which
I know I deserve.”
Whenever we are asked the question – What do you feel you deserve to happen to you today? We will invariably say something aloud, which is positive.
For in truth it is part of our nature, to want only the best to happen to us. Yet, why is it from within our thoughts, we may easily come to feel the opposite and find ourselves consumed – by all that we do not want to happen?
Remember, although such thoughts may never be intentional, they can easily come to plague us – especially if we do not remain guarded by all that we say; think; or do.
Allow yourself today, to be lead out of this fearful mindset. So that you may remain free to move, swiftly and easily, toward all that you wish to happen in your life, and all that you know – you truly deserve.