“Always Allow Your Gifts To Be Expressed – For They Are A True Expression – Of Yourself.” ~ Eleesha (174)

“Always allow your gifts
to be expressed – for they
are a true expression
– of yourself.”

~ by Eleesha,
Author of – The Soul Whisperer


As part of life’s journey, we are not just given the gift of life, but we each come laden with unique personal gifts – to be utilized throughout our lives.

Such gifts come in many shapes and guises; to be bestowed upon us in unique ways; at different times; for many different reasons; and although we can never pick or choose them, we must accept that they are borne within us – for very good reason.

For, although their purpose may not be immediately recognizable to us; these gifts will indeed always have a unique part to play – if not solely in your life – then in lives of others.

It will therefore be of great importance to you, to not just discover or recognize your gifts; but to become bold enough, throughout your lifetime, to utilize them.

Remember, such is the importance of utilizing your gifts, that they will never be given the opportunity to touch the hearts and minds of others – if you continuously refuse to express them.

Today, as part of life’s journey, may you embrace any gifts that have been bestowed upon you. In doing so, may you find the courage to not just discover them – but to be bold enough to express them, from within.

Eleesha / administrator

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