“Let us continue to
rejoice in our efforts,
rather than look back
with regret.”

~ by Eleesha,
Author of – The Soul Whisperer


As the years tick by, we may on occasion, fleetingly look back at all that we have achieved thus far, and be tinged with a deep sense of sadness; shame; or regret.

Perhaps all our hopes and dreams have not been fully realized, or our life so far, has not turned out to be exactly what we hoped it would be.

At times like this, it is easy to make unfair judgments about yourself and this will do little more than make you feel worse. For what was to be, has already been; and what should have been, is now already done.

Let today be a new beginning for you; so you can rejoice at the efforts you have made thus far (either big or small) towards your life endeavors and your present achievements.

Give yourself the opportunity on this day, to shed any sadness; shame; or regret; which you may feel – so you can go on to create a new beginning for yourself – rather than look back at the old one and be filled with, any regrets.

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