“If I am expecting to receive
abundance – I must also be
willing to give of myself
It is an interesting thing to note in life, that those who give abundantly – either of themselves or, of what they have – always seem to have something to give. Yet those who do not give – never have anything to give.
Although the mechanisms behind this observation may be beyond what can be explained in just a few lines; the fact that this appears to be a common thread running in our lives, cannot be ignored.
When we speak of giving abundantly – it does not mean that you give away all that you have in monetary terms or your worldly possessions – it just means giving of yourself abundantly, in a way that pleases you – for this will always have far more value.
Remember whatever you are expecting to receive into your life you must also be willing to give of, in life. This way, all that you wish to receive, will always be given the opportunity to be abundantly supplied.
May you continue to give of yourself abundantly today, and all the days that follow; for such is the nature of giving – that your ability to do so, will always continue to invite into your life, that which you are willing to receive – into your life.