“Let your joy be expressed,
in the manner of your own
choosing – for it can only
be given from the heart.”
The ability to embrace your joy or sadness, as each day unfolds, is something which only you can do. For we will each have our own personal reasons for choosing one, or the other.
Both your joy and sadness are simply states of being, which you can choose to either embrace, or neglect. In truth, not only do we have the power to perceive our lives from either a joyful or sad perspective; but we are the only ones, who can change that perspective.
Such is the gift of our personal power and choice that, we can choose at any time; or at any point in our lives – to either feel joyful or sad; satisfied or dissatisfied; or simply happy or unhappy.
Remember, your joy when expressed in a heartfelt manner will always have the power to eradicate any feelings of sadness; unhappiness; or dissatisfaction; which may creep into your life.
Use today as a starting point to tip the balance of joy permanently in your favor; so your joy may continue to be expressed in your life and in the lives of others, who will continue to be touched by your inner joy.