“Let the expression
of heart and soul, be
given the opportunity
to blossom and grow.”
The decisions about how and when you choose to express yourself can only be made on an individual and personal basis. Some of us will take the opportunity to express what lies within our heart and Soul, each and every day. Whilst others will feel the need to either curb or neglect this aspect of their being.
Regardless of how little or how much you are willing to express yourself; remember that all things – which emanate from within the heart and soul – should not just be given precedence in your life, but the opportunity to blossom and grow – as an essential part of your life.
Remember, your self-expression does not necessarily have to be shouted out from the rooftops, but can gently be expressed as a regular part of your being. Where it may be voiced, written down, sung, painted, or played, or just silently acknowledged from within – at any time or in any manner that you deem fit.
Today, may you continue to embrace each opportunity to express yourself, as you truly are. Let the essence of your being shine through; so you may genuinely be expressed as a unique individual, amongst all others – with the ability to continuously evolve, into all that you were destined to be.