“For all that I want which
I have not received, I must
ask myself whether – I felt
worthy enough to accept.”
We all know that we do not always receive everything that we want in our lives. At times, it is for good reason because the lack of something may take us on a new journey in life, which we may not have explored – if we had been able to get all that we wanted. On other occasions, we cannot understand the reason behind not being able to receive all that we want.
If we can accept that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives, then we may have a greater part to play in what we receive, than we otherwise might have thought. It is not what you have not received that may be the problem – but whether you have felt worthy enough to receive it.
Herein lies the difference between what you receive and what you do not. It is your feelings of worthiness that allow you to receive in a far greater capacity than you otherwise, would have.
Feel worthy enough today, to accept all that you want, so that it can be received by you, sooner – than you ever expected.