“We are responsible for
all that is going on in our
lives and all that we are
creating in our lives.”
Many of us are dissatisfied with our lives, yet very few of us can actually pinpoint where this deep sense of dissatisfaction originates from.
When we refuse to accept responsibility, for all aspects of our lives, we are often forced to look externally to apportion blame; either on other people or our own life experiences.
We will find ourselves blaming our job; our marriage; our parents; the neighbor; the government or even the country. This mindset will only serve to perpetuate your dissatisfaction because; when you blame others you disempower yourself through your blame. You unwittingly become powerless to change those things in your life that you continue to blame others for.
When you accept full responsibility for all things in your life, then you no longer need to place your blame on anyone for anything. You become empowered by such responsibility; with the ability to bring about change, and to resolve all challenges that you are willing to take responsibility for.
Give yourself the opportunity to rise from your dissatisfaction today, so that through the acceptance of your responsibility – you automatically become satisfied and fulfilled in living your life – as it should be lived.