“Through the experience of
learning, comes the acquisition
of knowledge to help guide us
– through the journey of life.”
by Eleesha,
Author of –
The Soul Whisperer

Listen to the Audio Version below:


Our ability to grow in life and to become all that we want to be, is reflected in the amount of learning that we have been willing to experience and undergo during our life. Some people feel that they know all there is to know about themselves and have decided that there is no need to continue learning in this manner. This is a recipe for disaster in that, each and every day, we are presented with far more knowledge through learning than we had yesterday. The acquisition of additional knowledge through each new learning experience can only serve to benefit you.

Here are my suggestions for this week’s affirmation

For Your Mornings:

Be prepared to be a learner today, throughout the course of your day, pay attention to all that you would normally take for granted. When you are challenged either in a positive or negative way, do not act or react like you normally would. Rather ask yourself a very important question – “what am I learning today, from this experience”. Keep a note of each incident or event and ultimately choose one that resulted in giving you the most valuable learning experience.

For Your Evenings:

In answer to the question that you may have asked yourself earlier on in the day. Focus on the value of the learning experience that was your first choice. What were you able to learn? Your answers may surprise you. At times you will have learned humility, patience, leadership or understanding and at other times it may have been compassion, appreciation, determination, friendship or even love.

As your days turn into weeks and the weeks into years you will realize that you are in the privileged position of accepting the acquisition of knowledge – that is graciously being gifted to you through learning. Allow yourself to become a learner in life and allow the knowledge of what you learn about yourself and others guide you – throughout your journey in life.

To your Inspiration and Success, have a wonderful week!


“Sharing the Unknown & Untold Powerful Secrets Of The Soul