“What you become, is what
you have chosen – to be.”
by Eleesha,
Author of –
The Soul Whisperer

Listen to the Audio Version below:


Have you ever stopped to consider what you have become in your life and that all that you are right now, is what you have directly or indirectly chosen to be? If you like the person that you have become then you will probably find this knowledge easy to accept but if not; then – not only will it be a bitter pill to swallow, but you will probably be asking yourself – how could this possibly be? The reason why so many of us think this way is our inability to take responsibility for all that we are. We naturally find it hard to come to terms with the fact that we are a sum total of all the choices that we have chosen to make in our lives.

Here are my suggestions for this week’s inspirational quote

For Your Mornings:

Think about the person that you have become in your life. Is this person, the person you want to be? Are you happy with who you are and what you have become? What qualities do you have that others admire about you? What is it that people, including your friends and family, dislike about you? Try to consider all the different aspects that make up the person that you are, and who you have become. Finally, think about whether or not you are satisfied or dissatisfied about who you are.

For Your Evenings:

What conclusions were you able to draw upon, in understanding the ‘person’ that you have shaped and molded yourself into being. Were you surprised to learn just how important a role you had played in fashioning yourself into being the person that you are today through your choices. On the surface, it appears that we have very little to do with who and what we become; because we tend to look to external factors first, as to the reasons why or who we are. But on closer inspection, it soon becomes evident that the choices we make, regardless of whether they are good or bad, play a unique role in determining all that we become.

Use this week to consider all that you have become. For when you are able to accept the part that you play in determining this outcome, you will automatically allow yourself to become – all that you want to be.

To your Inspiration and Success, have a wonderful week!


“Sharing the Unknown & Untold Powerful Secrets Of The Soul