Family Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Family A Life Experience
“A microcosm of what and who
I am. Experienced through
living and learning amongst
a group of people who are, in
essence, a great part of me.
It is through the experience
of family, that I am made
whole.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-05-2008
2) Family a Contribution to Life’s Learning
“I have come to accept that in
this world, I hold those who I
consider to be my family in
high esteem. For they are the
group of souls, through which,
my life experience was able to
evolve. In a manner that was
required of me, to fulfil my
life’s learning – as I should.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-05-2008
3) Family in the Absence of Family
“I arise to the acceptance that
regardless of my blood ties –
those who have raised me and come
to love me, have been my true
spiritual family. For in their
care and nurturing I have found
the family I know – I could have
had.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 02-05-2008
4) Family Making me Whole
“I find within my family the
missing pieces that are not
yet within myself. It is
through my experience of
family, that those pieces
are finally put together
and my life becomes complete
– as it should.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 03-05-2008
5) Importance of Family
“I realize that not all families
are perfect and that mine was
certainly not one of them. But
herein lies the importance of
what my life experiences were
meant to be. For it is through
imperfection that I have also
discovered the meaning of
perfection. In which, I can
only aspire; to ensure some
semblance of which – I will be
able to provide for a family, of
my own.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 03-05-2008