Healing After Loss Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Honoring Your Memory
“You were so special
and in your absence, I
have come to accept
that I must honor your
memory – rather than
dwell upon your loss.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 08-02-2008
2) Forever In My Thoughts
“Forever in my thoughts, you
will always be, yet not as you
are now but as you were then
– when you graced my presence
with your laughter and joy. How
honored am I to have known
you – in your lifetime.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 09-02-2008
3) Facing Up to Life Again
“Somewhere, amidst the
weakness that I have
come to recognize within
myself, I have found a
part of me that is strong
enough to face up to
life again – as I should.”
~ Eleesha
~ written on 08-02-2008
4) Joy In Having Known You
“I cannot view your life
through the tears that
I shed; for it obscures
the joy that I uphold
in my heart – for having
known you.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 09-02-2008
5) Remembrance of those Loved Yet Now Lost
“In remembrance of all those whom
we have loved and lost, we celebrate
their lives in honor of all that
they were. When they graced our
presence and shared their lives
– with us.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 20-07-2008
6) My Time to Walk Alone
“It is with patience that I
am guided in life, now you are
no longer here to guide me.
For I realize it is now my
time, to walk alone. Yet, I am
no longer fearful, for you
taught me well. In your absence,
I have become all you had hoped
for me – and more.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 10-02-2008