Responsibility Quotes and Affirmations by Eleesha – to Uplift You:
1) Taking Responsibility
“It is by taking responsibility
that I agree to become an owner
of my own destiny, working
harmoniously with all that I am
– to become all I was meant
to be.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 19-06-2009
2) Embracing Responsibility
“Within the embrace of my
responsibility, I discover
within myself the ability to
learn; grow; and blossom into
all I was meant to be.”~ Eleesha
~ written on 19-06-2009
3) Rise Through Responsibility
“In all my endeavors, I am never
willing to shy away from those
things, I must become responsible
for. For in doing so, I am always
able to rise in the face of my
adversity – rather than
fall.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 19-06-2009
4) Discovering Responsibility
“I willingly embrace each and
every responsibility. For I
realize that within their
embrace, I am able to discover
all things necessary for me
to become – the person I was
meant to be.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 19-06-2009
5) Responsible From Start To Finish
“Let me be willing to see all
things that I am responsible
for, from start to finish. For
in doing so, all that I must
learn is not just given the
opportunity to get started
– but finished too” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 19-06-2009
6) Achievement Through Responsibility
“It is through responsibility
that my life endeavors are
able to not just be experienced
– but achieved.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 19-06-2009
7) Importance of Responsibility
“Let me not walk through life
refusing to own all that I
do and all that I am responsible
for. In doing so, I not only
neglect my duty, but my life’s
purpose too.” ~ Eleesha
~ written on 06-03-2009